Organizational details
Here you will find information on the costs of studying in Germany, scholarships and job opportunities. You can also find out more about visas, housing, health insurance and enrolment.
Before arrival
--> General information on organizing and preparing for a study visit to Germany can be found on this webseite
The cost of living in Germany depends heavily on personal requirements and individual lifestyle. In general, you can expect to spend around €1000 per month. This figure can vary depending on your chosen lifestyle and the city you live in. For the visa application, you must provide proof of at least 3 to 12 months' budget. Find out more here.
Typical expenses you should calculate with are:
- Rent
- Health and liability insurance
- Internet and telephone
- Leisure activities
- Books and learning materials
- Other living expenses (food, transportation, etc.)
Although the university does not charge tuition fees, students have to pay a semester fee that covers the student union and the student body.
One-off costs that you should take into account when planning your budget:
- Deposit for the hall of residence/apartment
- Application to “uni-assist”
- Visa (for students from non-EU countries)
- Residence permit for students
- Travel and transportation costs
German universities do not award scholarships. However, there are a number of organizations that support students from abroad.
The scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides an overview.
Taking up employment is another way of at least partially financing your studies. Many students in Germany use this opportunity not only to improve their financial situation, but also to gain practical work experience. However, due to the intensity of the course, there is a high risk that the course will be negatively affected. Students from non-EU countries are allowed to work 120 days a year. There are few jobs on offer for students.
Our International Career Center will help you find a part-time job, internship or full-time position after your studies.
In Germany there are: statutory health insurance (GKV), private health insurance (PKV). With statutory health insurance, students pay the statutory, uniform basic contribution plus an additional contribution depending on the health insurance:
- Students under 30: approx. € 120 - 127 total monthly contribution (€ 82.99 health insurance and up to € 32.48 long-term care insurance plus additional contribution)
- Students over 30: approx. €215 - €220 total monthly contribution (€164.97 health insurance and up to €47.13 long-term care insurance plus additional contribution)
List of statutory health insurance funds: ➔ Service ➔ Krankenkassenliste
Please note that in most cases you will not be able to reverse your decision to take out private health insurance during your studies. You will have to pay in advance for every treatment and not all costs will be reimbursed. Make sure you have sufficient insurance cover and seek independent advice. International students over the age of 30 often have to take out private insurance. Seek advice on which private insurance meets the requirements for your residence permit.
With almost all health insurance companies, you can apply for your insurance online and upload your documents. You will need a photo and your certificate of enrollment. You may also be able to submit the documents later. You have the option of changing your health insurance after completing your studies and before starting work in Germany.
In certain cases, you may be exempt from compulsory insurance. You can find more information und applications here.
The Studierendenwerk Greifswald manages four halls of residence on campus, which rent out furnished single rooms or single apartments. Priority is given to international students who register early. Shared kitchens, common rooms and facilities are available. When you move in have to pay a deposit, which you will get back when you move out.
Apply for a room in the hall of residence by completing and submitting the application form.You do not need to submit a certificate of enrollment at this stage. After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Please activate the link in the e-mail. When you receive the e-mail offer from the Studierendenwerk Greifswald, check it carefully and reply by e-mail if you agree. As soon as you have received a study offer, send the university letter electronically to the Studierendenwerk to secure your room. You will receive the tenancy agreement by e-mail, which you must sign and return. Please inform Ms. Kaiser from the student residence administration and the International Office about your arrival times and note that the student residence administration is not staffed at weekends. The handover of keys at the weekend must be organized separately. After your arrival, sign your rental contract with Ms. Kaiser in residence hall 3, first floor.
Contact and information: Mirjam Kaiser (Residence management)
+49 395 - 5693 9103
Your contact person at the Enrolment and Examination Office depends on your degree program. You can find the contact details here. After your first registration at the Enrolment and Examination Office and the welcome at the International Office, you will receive further information for your first steps towards registering with the authorities. You will only receive your certificate of enrolment once you have transferred the semester fee and submitted a passport photo.
Tip: To save yourself and the Enrolment and Examination Office time, you should take care of the following things before you arrive:
- Transferring the semester fee
- Pay attention to the e-mail from the university and activate the university account immediately
- download the Eduroam App
- Get German health insurance
Arrived! What now?
Please note: You must first activate your university account before you can access the campus network. You will receive an email from the application portal with your details and a request to activate your account before you arrive. You can also use the PC workstations on site, e.g. in the HS library or in the PC pools.
Download the eduroam app to your Wi-Fi enabled device. You can use the eduroam Wi-Fi network to connect your devices to the internet anywhere on campus (including halls of residence!). Once successfully set up, you will be 'automatically' connected to this network.
- Landlords can demand a deposit of up to three months' rent.
- The deposit will be refunded after you move out, provided there is no damage.
- If you would like to move into a room in a hall of residence, please contact Mirjam Kaiser
- After arrival in Neubrandenburg, go to the Citizens' Office.
- Required documents: Identity card or passport, certificate of enrollment from Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, certificate of residence.
- When registering, the current address (including temporary addresses such as with relatives or in a hotel) must be given. If you move, you must re-register.
- Neubrandenburg Citizens' Office: Friedrich-Engels-Ring 53, 17033 Neubrandenburg
- The Citizens' Registration Office will inform the relevant immigration authority about your registration
- Deregister when you move out
- Apply for welcome money
- After registering with the city, your tax ID will be sent to you automatically by post.
- On average, the processing time for postal delivery takes up to three weeks.
- Tip: To speed up the process, arrange a second appointment with the citizens' office of the city of Neubrandenburg to hand over your tax ID in person.
Citizens from member states of the European Union (EU) have the privilege of freedom of movement within the EU, which allows them to enter Germany without a visa. Proof of residence and the exercise of this right is provided by the registration certificate. The Foreigners' Registration Office will still arrange a registration with you. Please contact us at the International Office.
Students from non-EU countries
How can I apply for a residence permit?
Where? At the Foreigners' Registration Office Neubrandenburg
When? After you have registered at the town hall, the foreigners authority will be informed automatically. Only contact the Foreigners' Registration Office if your residence status is unclear. Otherwise, remember to fill out the form for the extension of your study stay in good time before it expires (6 - 8 weeks) and send it to the authority by e-mail. You will then receive an appointment by post for a personal interview with your case officer.
What supporting documents do I need to provide?
- Application for the issue or extension of a redidence permit
- Certificate of registration
- Passport
- Proof of health insurance (membership certificate - no health insurance card)
- Current certificate of enrollment from the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences
- Proof of livelihood (blocked account, declaration of commitment, proof of salary, scholarship certificate or proof of financing)
- Biometric passport photo
- Fee for the electronic residence permit
- Required documents: Passport or identity card, registration certificate, student ID.
- A bank account is required for transferring rent, health insurance contributions, semester fees and for receiving money from the blocked account.
- Checking account are usually free of charge for students.
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