
Here you will find information about the costs associated with studying in Germany, scholarships and work opportunities. 


The costs of living vary with each person’s standard of living. For your visa application you must demonstrate that you have a sum of €934 available each month to cover your living costs. (valid since 01-01-2023)

You should expect the following approximate expenses:

Rent: €200
Health insurance and third-party liability insurance: €100
Internet and telephone: €60
Leisure activities: €50
Textbooks: €60
Other living costs: €200

Some one-off costs must also be taken into consideration: 

The University does not levy any study fees but does have an enrolment fee of €103 per semester.

Bond payable when moving into a residential college: €400 (returned when you leave)
Application with UNI-ASSIST: €75
Students from non-EU countries must apply for a visa:  €60 
Costs for residence permit as a student (non-EU): €100
Travel costs vary depending on the country of origin.


German universities do not grant scholarships. There are, however, many organisations that support international students. 

The scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has a summary.  



Having a job is another way to finance your studies, at least in part. Many students in Germany use this option not only to improve their financial situation but also to gain practical work experience. Because of the intensity of the study, there is a significant risk that your studies will be affected. Students from non-EU countries may work for 120 days per year. There are not many jobs available for students.