
There are numerous opportunities to receive a scholarship for a stay abroad. The German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD) is the most important scholarship provider for both internships abroad and study visits.

The DAAD's comprehensive scholarship database provides a good overview of the funding opportunities offered not only by the DAAD but also by other funding organisations.

Another funding option is a scholarship from one of the major German organisations for the promotion of gifted students. These scholarships are study grants that can usually be applied for from the second semester onwards and provide funding for the entire standard period of study.

The amount of funding is based on the Bafög criteria and therefore also includes the corresponding supplements for a stay abroad. Even if you do not meet the assessment thresholds, it is worth applying, as the Begabtenförderwerke pay out a book allowance regardless of income and offer a comprehensive programme of non-material support.

This type of funding is not just for the highly gifted. Many of the scholarship providers emphasise social, cultural, church, political or trade union involvement in addition to professional qualifications and performance.

You can find an overview under the following links: