Campus Balance & Connect

The "CBC - Campus Balance & Connect" project (formerly the "Hifas project") is primarily a psychosocial counselling service aimed at international students. Student life can be accompanied by excessive demands, mental stress and personal challenges. As part of the project, international students are given a sympathetic ear for their individual concerns and receive counselling in German and English. There is also the opportunity to receive support in correcting academic work. As the name also suggests, a key focus of the CBC is to connect international students with each other, bring them into contact with each other and create a supportive environment together with them.



Ioanna Manissioti,

(Kopie 4)

Dipl.-Soz.-Päd. Sabine Fritsche
Dez. I - Studium und Prüfungen: International Office, Incoming-Koordinatorin, Projektkoordinatorin Studium Plus
Raum 262 - Haus 1
0395 5693-1015
0395 5693-1091