Guest researchers

Right of hospitality

The right to be a guest student at the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences is granted under the following conditions:

The guest

  • is at the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences for a limited period of time,
  • is carrying out a self-determined, academic activity that is linked to a specific objective/purpose for research or teaching,
  • does not have an employment relationship with the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, a faculty or other institution of the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences,
  • and generally carries out academic work at another university, a university or non-university research institution or other academic institution in research and teaching.
  • Their status at the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences is: visiting scholar.

The granting of guest rights allows the guest to use the facilities, equipment, etc. of the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences in accordance with the regulations laid down by the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences in the contract on the granting of guest rights. The guest is obliged to treat facilities and inventory with care and to use materials conscientiously and sparingly.

By granting the right of hospitality, the guest does not become a member of Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences within the meaning of § 50 LHG M-V.

The granting of guest rights does not constitute an employment relationship or a relationship similar to an employment contract. The guest is not obliged to carry out activities at the university (exception: services within the framework of a contract for work and labour, see financing). There is also no entitlement to be taken on as an employee or civil servant.



Depending on the country of origin, the guest must apply for a visa from the German representation in their home country or current country of residence in order to enter Germany. As a rule, a letter of invitation from the host organisation is required for this. You can issue this letter as the host, whereby you as the host must indicate any funding from the host organisation.

Right of residence for foreign guest researchers without an employment contract

To apply for a research visa in accordance with Section 18 d of the Residence Act, guest researchers who wish to stay in Germany for longer than 90 days or require a visa to enter the country need a so-called hosting agreement, which is required by the immigration authority. A research visa in accordance with § 18 d can be granted if a researcher has a scholarship or other personal funds of approx. 1600€ per month (depending on the costs for accommodation, health insurance), see German residence law for researchers from non-EU countries: DE: https: //

EN: https: //;jsessionid=48AF11AD561451CF06C5D23DA4FB5519.intranet251

The hosting agreement in accordance with Section 18d of the Residence Act should also be issued by the supervising professor and sent to the researcher abroad, as this agreement is often required to apply for a visa abroad.

For longer stays, a residence permit may have to be applied for at the local immigration office after arrival. The International Office will be happy to help with any questions on this topic.

For all visiting academics (PhD students, post-docs, researchers) who are planning a stay of at least one month at the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, a visiting academics contract must be concluded between the guest, the supervisor and the Registrar of the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences. Preparations for the guest's arrival and stay are the responsibility of the supervisor in accordance with this procedure.

Each guest must be provided with the Information for Visiting Researchers.

All forms and the procedure can also be found on the website of the International Office under Forms incoming.


There are various ways to organise the funding of visiting academics in a legally compliant manner. In principle, funding is possible both from third-party funds and from state funds. In the first case, the type and amount of funding depend on the requirements of the third-party funding provider. The applicable provisions of state law are decisive for funding. However, funding also depends on whether the guest is expected to provide services during their stay at Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences. This may have tax consequences for the guest.


If the guest provides services during the stay (e.g. by giving lectures), a contract for work and labour must generally be concluded.


A scholarship serves to fulfil a specific academic or artistic task, e.g. research or professional development in the sense of a doctorate, as well as to cover the individual's training and further education requirements and to secure the recipient's livelihood during the funding period. A scholarship does not constitute an employment relationship and the scholarship holder may not be obliged to provide a specific academic or artistic service in return. Scholarship holders may not be treated as employees, i.e. in particular the scholarship holder is

  • no obligation to follow instructions,
  • no organisational integration,
  • no holiday entitlement,
  • no compulsory attendance,
  • no obligation to pay social security contributions.

The maximum amount of a scholarship depends on the amount of funds available and the funding guidelines of the available third-party or state-funded projects. Information on the awarding of scholarships to visiting academics from foreign institutions can be obtained from the International Office.

Information on the awarding of scholarships to visiting academics from institutions in Germany can be obtained from the Research Department or Department II F.


Grants for travelling and accommodation expenses can be awarded to guests who do not provide any services for the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg during their stay. This is particularly relevant for shorter stays, usually for stays of less than 1 month. The maximum amount of the grant depends on the DAAD funding rates for international exchange or the applicable budgetary regulations.

The academic supervisor as host or project leader is responsible for documenting the definition of the criteria for the grant awarded and for any deviations. Grants must be awarded in consultation with the International Office in the case of third-party funds and state funds for the promotion of international exchange. In the case of funding for visiting academics from domestic institutions, agreement must be reached with the Research Department or the Finance Department.


Guests are not covered by HSN for liability, health or accident insurance. You must take out these insurances yourself, if necessary at your own expense. Liability insurance covers damage that you as a guest have caused to HSN either intentionally or through negligence. The health or accident insurance is taken out if the health and ability of the insured person has to be restored as a result of an illness or accident or if surviving dependants have to be compensated in cash.

Personal data

The following data about you may be collected and processed for the guest stay at HSN: Name, gender, academic degree (if applicable), nationality, sending office/workplace and country, period of stay, objective/purpose of stay, type of funding (if applicable). This data is collected, processed electronically and used within HSN to fulfil the respective tasks. This also means that statistical information - without personal reference, i.e. anonymised - can be transmitted to funding bodies if required. Your personal data will be deleted after 5 years at the latest.