Application Proceedures
Applications - Students with Non-German Qualifications: By following this link you will be asked to submit your application to Uni-Assist. They will process your application for us. This means they will check your qualifications for equivalency to our ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), type and duration of your courses and send us the result. We will then inform you how to proceed with the application to our Admissions/Enrollment Office. The Landscape Architecture and Greenspace Management course requires all applicants for path A to have achieved 240 ECTS (or their international equivalent) and for path B 180 ECTS. Please send us a copy of your School Leaving Certificate and your undergaduate degree certificate (or current unofficial transcript) if you think you might need to top up your ECTS international.officehs-nbde
Do you need help?
<link en academics advisory-services international-office _blank external-link internen>International Office
Dorina Mackedanz Fon +49 0395 5693 - 1110 mackedanz(at)hs-nb(dot)de