Dietetics for Dietitians
The only abridged, additive Bachelor of Science in Dietetics for Dietitians in Germay
Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, four semesters
The Neubrandenburg bachelor course in dietetics provides competencies in nutritional care in theory and practice and focuses on both clinical and preventive nutrition. The program combines nutritional sciences, health sciences, social science and nutritional medicine and highlights the complexity and central role of nutrition in a broad spectrum of diseases.
The dietetic course offered in Neubrandenburg is unique in two ways: Firstly, it is the only academic program in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Pomerania focusing on dietetics and nutrition. Secondly, it is the only academic dietetic program in Germany, building on the vocational training of dietitians. Thus, the Neubrandenburg dietetic program is pioneering the academic recognition, professionalization and internationalization of dietitians in Germany.
The overall goal of the program is to augment the vocational based training for dietitians in Germany by providing an academic background and critical thinking skills. The acquisition of these skills will provide dietitians with the tools to critically reflect their professional actions based on scientific research and evidence-based models.
The program provides the opportunity to collaborate with regional, national and international partners in various research projects. The department is also equipped with modern devices for the assessment of resting energy expenditure and body composition providing students with the optimal study environment for their research and learning needs.