Services of General Interest
The fire department only comes on weekends! The last family doctor retires! The young people are leaving the villages! Headlines from the 2010s. Today, after an interim demographic high, demographic change and services of general interest are once again coming into sharper focus. Securing services of general interest remains an important key to the development of rural, sparsely populated areas. It is about enabling people to live well in the community. Since 2007, we have been working with local authorities, ministries and planning offices in model projects and research projects to develop a method for using dialog to come up with new solutions for regional services: the regional strategy for services of general interest. It is a knowledge-based, dialog-oriented and integrative approach. In the nationwide Network Services of General Interest, more than 20 regions have continued to work on this idea since 2018.
Aktionsprogramm regionale Daseinsvorsorge mit 21 Modellregionen. Projektassistenz Im Auftrag des Bundesministers für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS) und des Bundesinstituts für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR). 2011 – 2016. Link
Link zum Leitfaden Regionale Daseinsvorsorge
Link zur englischen Version „A strategy for the provision of public services at the regional level. Practice guidance“
Netzwerk Daseinsvorsorge.Aufbau und Moderation des Netzwerks. Modellvorhaben der Raumordnung im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums des Innern, für Bau und Heimat und des Bundesinstituts für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR). Gemeinsam mit dem Institut Raum & Energie, Wedel und dem Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft der Universität Bremen. 2018 – 2019. Link
Other projekts about services of general interest
Selected publications about services of general interest