Summer schools are another way of gaining international and intercultural experience during your studies.
Summer schools, summer courses or summer academies are condensed university seminars lasting several weeks, which are offered during the lecture-free period. The advantage: you can get a taste of campus life at a foreign university and familiarise yourself with the teaching methods and content. The preparation time is also rather short. However, you usually have to finance your participation yourself. There are individual sponsors or foundations that occasionally offer financial support for certain courses. You would have to do your own research on the internet. It is best to look directly on the university homepages of your chosen country for the summer school on offer. If a summer school is taking place at one of our partner universities, ask the International Office about funding opportunities.
SustainMV - the joint summer school of the universities in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
SustainMV was already successfully carried out digitally as an innovative pilot project in 2021. The aim of the SustainMV Summer School is to jointly promote Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as a place to study and to bring highly qualified foreign students and graduates into academic dialogue with academics and students from the state.
The overarching theme of "sustainability", under which the SustainMV Summer School will present contributions and events from a wide range of disciplines at all universities in the state, is undoubtedly highly topical at present and will continue to be so in the future.
SustainMV covers various aspects of content from a wide range of disciplines that are anchored at the state's universities. The challenging teaching modules on offer provide an insight into current research and teaching at the universities and promote further studies or a doctorate at the state's universities. The project also promotes academic exchange between the universities in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and with their international partners and offers participating young academics the opportunity to become part of an international and interdisciplinary network.
After a successful premiere in the hybrid programme with 130 participants in the online events and 35 participants in the subsequent face-to-face phase in 2022, a continuation as a hybrid format is also planned for 2023. Further information can be found on the website of SustainMV