Archiving and Publishing Student Dissertations

UAS Neubrandenburg’s Digital Library

Axana Goele
Raum Bibliotheksverwaltung Brodaer Str. 11
0395 5693 - 1502

Steps for Archiving and Publishing in the Digibib:

The following information will help you to archive your dissertation in accordance with the examination regulations and, if you wish, also to publish it.

1. Make a Final Check of your Dissertation in Word

Before creating the PDF, check in Word:

  1. Are all of the page breaks correct?
    • If you make any changes, do not forget to update the table of contents.
  2. Is the URN listed on the first page?
    • You will have received the URN from the Examination Office.
  3. Have you observed the data protection regulations?
    • No personal details on the title page (e.g. student ID number, address, date of birth)
    • Anonymisation of persons/institutions that are a part of your work (e.g. transcripts, emails)
2. Save your Dissertation as a PDF
By clicking on ‘save’ you will start the conversion. This will create the file and the PDF document that was created will be opened for checking.
  1. File menu > Save as (or F12)
  2. Select folder
  3. The file should be named according to these rules:
  4. <Type of Dissertation> - <Surname> - <Year>
  5. e.g. Bachelor’sDissertation-Bloggs-2018.pdf and, if applicable,
  6. Select file type ‘PDF (*pdf)’
  7. Only necessary for MS Word 2010 and newer
  8. Create PDF/A file (long-term archiving): to do so, after selecting the file type ‘PDF (*pdf)’, click on the dialogue box ‘options’ and choose the format ‘ISO 19005-1 compliant (PDF/A)’.
  9. Save
  10. Please convert all appendices that cannot be integrated into the dissertation (e.g. drawings and plans) into PDFs and submit them as an archive file, in ZIP format (max. 200 MB).



3. Download the Submission Form and Fill it Out

To archive the dissertation in the Digital Library, the University Library requires you to submit the fully completed and signed form.

Whilst archiving your dissertation, you can agree to the publication of your dissertation in Digibib (if necessary after an embargo period).

1. Download submission form (pdf)

2. Save form

3. Fill out form

  • If there are two authors, only one URN will be used, however, each author must submit an individual submission form.
  • Both supervisors/examiners must be named.
  • The abstract may not be longer than 600 characters. State a maximum of 5 keywords.
  • The English details are optional.
  • The supervisor’s declaration on page 3 must be completed.

4. Print the file

5. Signature

  • By signing the form you agree to the publication (if selected) and confirm that your dissertation does not infringe the rights of third parties (e.g. any copyrights).
4. Submission of the Dissertation to the Examination Office

Save your dissertation and possible appendices on a CD. Write your name and the URN on the CD.

Please make sure:

  • Did you put a cross in the box next to ‘Student Declaration’?
  • Has the submission form been signed?
  • Has the dissertation really been saved to the storage device and can it be opened?
    • The CD may not be write-protected.
    • The dissertation and appendix may not exceed the maximum size of 200 MB in ZIP format.

You can then submit the CD together with the signed submission form and the printed versions of your dissertation to the Examination Office.