ENDNOTE at the Hochschule Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences

Software for literature management

EndNote is a commercial literature management programme for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, which allows online searches in databases (e.g. PubMed) and the creation/administration of literature databases. Website of the provider

The Hochschule Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences (UAS) has licenced Endnote for all members of the university. You can find the installation sources in the service portal Applications -> SoftwareDownload - Endnote You must agree to the terms of use there.


Brief overview of functions:

Information on various types of literature (books, articles, lectures, term papers and theses (Doktorarbeit/Dissertation) etc.) can be collected, managed and saved. For example, a thematically sorted bibliography can be compiled via the allocation of key terms.

EndNote can be linked to Apple Pages or Microsoft Word. This means that references can be added to the text within a document, which can then be automatically combined to form a bibliography.

EndNote supports literature searches by enabling online access to academic literature databases (e.g. PubMed, CINAHL, DIMDI, z39.50).

EndNote can generate bibliographies from created files. Various formats are available for this purpose.

With version X8, it is possible to share a (single) EndNote database with up to 100 people. The data is synchronised via EndNote's central cloud service and all participants have full write access.

The file extension is .ENL (=EndNote literature database).