Information for new (project) employees

Welcome to Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences


What do you need to know ...


University Card

Once hired, you will receive your employee university card.

This card is:

Employee ID Card
Library card
Payment card for the refectory
Print, copy, scan card incl. payment function


More information about the university card.

University account


You will receive a university account (user name and password) at the beginning of your employment or teaching assignment.

With this account you can use the PC workstations provided by the system administrators or the university, check your university e-mail, participate in eLearning, use WLAN, online services and PC pools, and much more.

The account will be handed over by your supervisor or your responsible system administrator. BEFORE using your account for the first time, you must change your password on a PC at the university. Only then you can use other services.





You can call the mail address belonging to your university account via webmail or via an email client. Required data/information can be found here.


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Workstation PC


There are 3 different types of PC workstations for employees at Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences, you or your supervisor must decide.

1. The office workstation PC, not mobile. They have no administration rights on the device, their system administrator manages the software. You have access to the data infrastructure, with all the network drives you need.

2. a laptop with the so-called Windows Direct Access function. You use a mobile laptop, in the office with docking station, external monitor and keyboard. On the road you use the laptop natively. You have no administration rights on the device, your system administrator manages the installed software. You have access to the data infrastructure, with all the network drives you need. This works via a special kind of VPN connection. You then work remotely as if you were in the office. You can also work offline without Internet access, but then without access to the data infrastructure.

3. you use a service laptop, you have administrative rights on the device. Software installation, configuration and maintenance are done by you. You do not have access to the university's data infrastructure with this device. You will need the cloud services for this.

Your supervisor should coordinate with you before you start work and initiate the procurement and provision of a workstation PC/laptop at the procurement office in conjunction with the system administrator.





In the university's eLearning system you will not only find course areas for courses, but also areas for projects and for overarching topics, e.g.. Here you can get guidance and hints and find out how to solve common problems.


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Shared (network) drives

Depending on your field of work or area of responsibility, you will be assigned various network drives on the PC provided by the ZIMT or department administrator. Please discuss the use of the drives with your supervisor.

For the storage of your data, you have your own home drive under h:\. 

Network usage with own devices


The PC technology that is NOT provided by the ZIMT or department administrator can be registered for the network. However, only Internet use is possible for these devices. Access to shared (network) drives is not possible.


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