The first German-Palestinian Summer School took place in October and was an exciting event for professors and students as well. After a 2-day-trip from the Middle East to Europe, 24 Palestinian students and 6 professors were very warm welcomed and it was amazing to see: The chemistry between both student groups kicked in immediately upon arriving at the Airport Tegel and the talking and debating gushed forth for ten days, sometimes taking unexpected turns and twists, but with an common understanding all the time long.
For those who are interested in the academic program and the social and educational program here in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, we would like suggest you to check the SuS-websites. Instead of an academic report we want to present you our students’ impressions and points of view on the summer school and the meeting of all in all 48 German and Palestinian students taking part in this event
Wow, such an intensive Summer School!
It is actually more likely calling it an 'Autumn School' instead, because this year guests from four different universities in the West Bank/Palestine came to visit Neubrandenburg/Germany in October. The Summer or alternatively Autumn School is a Palestinian-German educational dialogue and student exchange project, with the aim of developing and implementing a joint university module about conflict intervention. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) made this co-operational project possible, which concerns culture and conditions of conflicts and looking for courses of actions handling these. Our topic “Dealing with Conflicts” is indeed a challenging issues because of widely separated opinions.
On a different level furthermore a difficult topic, concerning the political situation and future of Palestine, which is to this day questionable. During our lessons and workshops we spoke both about these issues and about multifaceted contents. Starting from family and group work, dynamics, roles and community work and hot spots to democracy, human rights, social justice and change through to intercultural communication and Social Work. Social Work itself can perform the function of a main facilitator and thereby working together with politics and society and other disciplines.
We noticed differences not only connected with the representatives of the countries but also to the countries’ political, economic and societal systems as a whole. However the project itself is not just about the different countries, different cultures and different languages, the remarkable fact is meeting face-to-face and building up a personal relationship! I mean: How to get to know each other better than by welcoming and visiting the native countries of all joining members and start talking, discussing, discovering, experiencing personally? It is a well balanced mixture between scientific facts and personal matters – the way beside pure information is getting personally touched and involved. In turn this item could result difficulties in the togetherness and the need to express incomprehension or speak about misunderstandings. Well, I guess a part of projects are also discussions, misunderstandings, problems and hard times caused by many reasons and also the lack of sleep. In my opinion we were able to get along with it and solved many situations satisfying.
And beside the lecture, workshops, 'daily life' and tough discussions we – of course! – spent also time going on shorter and longer trips in Germany. Berlin, at the day of arrival and departure was not allowed to be missed. Further on a daytrip to Isle of Rügen/Baltic Sea which caused shouts of joy for many of our guest who have not seen something like this before in life. An imprint also left the visit of the state-parliament and city Schwerin. Moreover shorter trips, to Lake Tollensesee, just ten minutes away from the university in Neubrandenburg and the beautiful fountains and parks around it were very hailed as being beautiful.
Our time we also used often to spent it together with our so called “buddy“, a connection between a Palestinian and a German student, used for personal interchange, academic questions and social support. I think an adjuvant way to intensify the cross-culturally exchange and building on intercultural competencies and widening our horizons. Apropos of nothing we made comprehensive and widespread experiences and had a personal gain and enrichment!
I am deeply thankful for the amazing experiences the Summer School has given me so far, and believe I speak in unison with all participants on that.
The collaboration of every single member was necessary in order to fulfill the aims of the project. Not to mention all the hard-working and traveling German and Palestine teachers and our throughout hands-on positive coordinator of the project. In addition to enthusiasm and help on individual and collaborative levels a project like this would have been unrealizable without funding – and on that account we are very grateful for the financial basis and resources of the DAAD!
With the help of many people and institutions we grasped – and will continue to grasp – the opportunity to start a dialogue, spread knowledge, ideas and expertise in the national and international sphere. Despite tough and difficult moments in the process (or sometimes because of them) I am persuaded that there is no way denying the advantage of intercultural learning and exchange! I am very much looking forward and hoping for a continuation of our project with a visit and reunion in Palestine...
May all of you be healthy and safe. Alhamdulillah!
- Ulrike Luise Bens, participant of the Summer School, University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg.
And some more comments...
...on what is >>> Remarkable, >> commendable, >> questionable, >> critique
Remarkable is that a community feeling came up instantly; just after a few days the students felt like a group, no matter what country and culture they were from.
Commendable are the efforts on both sides, both Germany and Palestine, to get the whole project working.
- Elizabeth Tenzer
It was amazing to spend one week together with students from five different universities and to show them our university and daily life in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. To get to know their life style and different points of view on international issues was an unforgettable experience.
Critical is the fact that we didn’t had enough time to show them more social and educational establishments and to discuss more topics in the different lectures.
- Julien Radloff
I find it remarkable that here for German students the opportunity is offered to experience very memorable apiece of world politics while talking to the students and teachers from Palestine.
Worthy to be recognized I find that with this from a small college in a rather structurally weak region a really big project was realized.
Critically, I find that during the Palestinian guests visit there more additional helpers (reward by ???, possibly attracting additional funding / sponsorship?) should be recruited.
- Friederike Ilchmann
Remarkable is ... how much this experience has advanced and enriched my thinking and my ideas of the world and of people. At least in social interaction I became aware what I am capable of when I have to adjust to an unknown counterpart; how much I can give and I am able to give because it was valued and I wanted the Palestinian students doing well. As part of the cultural program presenting the state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania has also let me once more think about the situation in my country, in both positive and negative way. Also, I gain new thoughts and perspectives about my profession as a social worker. Just the seminars during the Summer School about democracy education, social justice and the mobilizing aspect of social work have given me completely new food of thought for my role as a social worker and opened an international perspective of my professional field.
Commendable is much all parties have strained themselves to realize this project and get the best out it. Especially in interpersonal exchange everyone was aware that cultural differences are noted, but should never restrict openness, honesty and confrontation.The very participatory element in all the lectures has made the student easy with each other and interactive with the faculty to foster fruitful and enriching discussions. No one had to feel excluded and could participate.
Questionable is ... the extent to which the whole program can also convert into practical results in the end, but I am confident that, if the establishment of contacts is both professionally and personally rewarding for anyone who uses them, what is overall assessed both for the students themselves and the university.
Considered is ... that this type of project should not remain a one-off event. We would be glad, when this project would be the first of a series of such events and efforts to open up the possibility to make coming generations of students’ similar enriching experiences, as we experienced it.
Critical is… that the time actually never sufficient to work more intensively with each other. The structure of the schedule may possibly be reconsidered; towards fewer, but deeper content.
- Kerstin Krüger