Hyper bamboo - Internationaler Workshop in Thailand

a journey a partnership - a common work - an academic highlight
Anyway- it was an occurrence in a very special way.
After a long flight with tight seats we arrived in a gigantic university campus. The academic life there was significant. An open society, a lot of nice, young people, friendly collegues, an atmosphere of high education and cultural flowering- liberty and accepted order at same time.
Our partners, the faculty of architecture, showed a high leveld international standard. The workshop was perfectly organized by our dear collegues Sanphawat Jatupatwarankul and Jaturont Boonla-or and the assistance of the polite Thai-students was very helpful.
So we could spend eventful days in Thailand. The workshop was filled with learning effects and the contact with Bamboo, the interest and constructing with an -for western european people- unusual material, gave us exciting inputs for our future work.
Integrated in the several working groups our students joined the practical and theoretical work-stages. The final results were admirable- a good base for a lot of researching projects and economical material developments.
Bamboo as an construction material - in my view - is bordered by its natural structure and physical conditions. lt seems to be a special material for a lot of tropical and subtropical regions all over the world. Its compatibility for Europe has to be proved in a longtime examination, because its reaction to a more extreme climat is not really clear.
What we could see as examples of Bamboo-Architecture was emazing and unforgettable.
Thank you - Assumption University - for all, and welcome to the next workshop 2018 in Wismar and Neubrandenburg!
Cooperation and Workshops with our Partners in Wismar, MV and Montfort/Bangkok, Thailand
Good running cooperations everytime have to do with persons, with students and teachers/lecturers, which feel responsible for a successful exchange of knowledge and education.
Our longtime cooperation with severa l universities in Thailand was founded by Barbel Zander and Karsten Jarmer, one of our absolvents, who worked over years as teacher in Thai land.
The cooperation with the Assumption University is the youngest but most effective cooperation and a lot of collegues over there meanwhile are our friends.
Therefore I would recommend to continue this cooperation, even after I am in pension. We invite all interested students, assistants and professors, to join the next international workshop in may/june 2018.
The final schedule will be published the next days. Thank you for your attention and all the best for our cooperation.
Neubrandenburg, 08.01.2018
Prof. Thomas Oyen